Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hush little baby (drug version)

Hush, little baby, don't say a word, Papa's gonna buy you a cannabis roll.

And if that roll don't give you a trip, Papa's gonna mix some hash in it.

And if that joint turns smoky before the hit, Papa's gonna buy you some crystal meth.

And if that glass gets broke before the time is up, Papa's gonna buy you some LSD.

And if that acid doesn't make your world go blue,Papa's gonna buy you a syringe and some black tar .

And if that tar won't blow your mind, Papa's gonna mix everything that was ever made.

And if the cocktail is yet not the bomb, Papa's gonna shoot you twice in the gut (if you are still alive).

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The voice.

Your heart beat goes up and you don't understand why? It drives you crazy and your heart beat goes up further. WTF! Human mind gets really psyched up if it doesn't understand whats happening to the body it's responsible for controlling. Lose control. You try to recollect what happened. It was just a voice, directed at you. For a short duration thankfully as you couldn't have held on any longer. But there wasn't anything special to the voice nor the message it conveyed; it was very normal. But then it strikes you after hours of struggle to get back to reality: the normality was what rushed the blood into your head; your mind unconsciously hoping to turn the normalcy to something special. Something more than normal; extraordinary if you will, magical if you may.

For once you try to be honest about it to yourself: you were waiting for that moment. Planning for hours on how to face those few seconds. How to face that voice. You had a good plan but alas it didn't go well. Because you forgot, and you learnt it the hard way, that that voice blows your mind away. You are so spellbound that your mind now tries to breakaway. You lose concentration, purpose and reason. Your plan is failing miserably and then you commit a stupid mistake. You try to stick to the plan. The plan, my dear readers, is a trick your mind plays on you to convince you that you are in control. Lost control.

You are someone who learns from mistakes. You don't blame your surroundings on your failure, you blame yourself. You rectify. And my dear readers , this is what I learnt: The plan is to lose. Lose yourself in that voice which you so much adored for no reason. Don't find a purpose;there isn't one. Losing is gaining control.

Monday, June 13, 2011

30 day song challenge ?

WTF is the fuss with this thing anyway? And why_TF is it a "challenge" ? Do we get a prize for this? Whats the prize? Can I exchange it for something I like, if I dont like the aforementioned prize? Free Farmville points? Yipeee!!

Anyway, since most of the categories in 30 types are really random and overlapping, and since I am a big fan of only METAL and PROGRESSIVE ROCK ( none of which makes me feel guilty or makes me wanna dance to), I will post some songs without any tags here:

PS: Before you close this page expecting some howlish shouting collision of distortion, let me tell you this: distortion is not metal, the tune is.Personally I dont like too much distorted guitars. Many metal songs are bad but the ones that are good will surely blow your mind away with their awesome energy and epic-ness.

Opeth - Black Rose Immortal; 20 minutes of pure epicness especially the second half. And if you just want a glimpse of what metal is : listen from 12:00 to 15:00.

Agalloch - Limbs; the vocals are just glorious. this song gets me energized every time I hear it.

Pink Floyd - High Hipes; a song so beautiful, it brings tears to my eyes.

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath; really this song makes me forget all the superficiality of the world and makes me reach inside to what I really am :p

Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere But Not Here; Defines progressive awesomeoness. Listen from 5:00. Period.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Where art thou, good friend?

Damn I don't have good friends. The people I like living with - the "cool", carefree and fun loving people but who are NOT unreliable, irresponsible and idiots- are the rarest species on the face of the Universe. By experience, I can say in fair confidence that there are 4 dimensions to a person's personality: one is the ultra vague "cool"ness, the second is , another loose term here, "muggu"ness, the third is responsibility and the final is "arbit"ness, which means showing out of the ordinary kind of behaviour from the usual. The first two are obviously independent complete spaces, the third is an unprecisely defined space but shown to resemble a non-invariant linear combination of first two and the final is some arbit transformation of the first three spaces.

Enough technical jargon and definitions let's get on to the first line of this post. Well, in my life here in IIT I have lived with lots of different people. All my friends. But here is what I go through typically with different classes of people:

CLASS A or alpha or peace putters - They are the most sought out class. But to be actually here you need to leap a really arbit curve from the second and third dimension so its really painful,morally, to come to this dimension. You can't just come here for some arbitrary period of time and leave. You must carry a certain threshold measure to be actually here.More of this class can only be explained using quantum computation so I will not go into that.

CLASS B or beta or muggus or tam brahms(:p) - They derive most of their attributes from gamma class, and hence have a (hidden) muggu nature where they want to put 10 pointers in every course of every department because learning, as they are told, is their job.

CLASS C or gamma or wannabe cores - These are the responsible people who take pain and sweat to get things done. They are generally liked since they care for social welfare and other such garbage but also hoped to loosen up a little bit. This is the simplest dimension to get in and get out(ask saarang coords) but to stay in takes courage and determination.

Class D or delta or arbit - This is the class jfka7k kj984 . Studies trying to explain such behaviour have kjdf989 343d%^% because the people FASD6767&^&^. The true meaning of life is supposed to be scattered in pieces all over this dimension but requires all the pieces and then a 1024bit cracker to decipher it. Actually this is because djfakljdf989$%$ which is why ff gfg6767676234223456780 948.

So you are pissed at me because I gave you another round of heavy technical education. I am sorry but here we are finally. I have been totally pissed because my close friends are never a healthy mix of all these 4 classes. They are either heavily of A: which ends up me getting infinitely pained , or B: which makes me bored to death. Well I didnt expect to write this much( actually I was not gonna write the first 2 paras and only write this para but I guess I am in 4th dimension now) so I am not gonna explain any situations that might have motivated this blog post but I am sure feeling relieved now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gen Thoughts of 4th semester

I wake up remembering what it was. Ever experienced the trance state where you are sure you are awake but you have no control over your thoughts.The thoughts which only get aggrevated more as you try to stop them from flooding your mind system. These things , insanely random, but always containing characters and places that you know. The characters that are oblivious to their own self and are controlled, so subtly, only by your mind. Doing things without objection, without a bit of reluctance, without a doubt, even if its beyond the periphery of their own physical or even mental territory but not of yours. This ephemeral state which seems to flow for hours usually happens on a saturday morning after a long night before.

Enough pondering. Now taking idea from another blog I am gonna write whatever stuff comes into my head for the next 5 minutes or so.

Girls. I live in an institute where talking about girls is like talking about drugs or even taking them. I am almost crossing over the teens and its only obvious that the curiosity of being in love has become really really high.Hence I try really hard. I am not ashamed to say this but I claim that there is atleast one girl in your every class that you are attracted to. Who you would want to talk with more. If you get the chance or had the guts for. But being one of the few forward thinkers in this traditional place I am not really assured or even given a good estimate of what the feedback will be like. And hence its safe to assume that the feedback will be O(smile). HUH? Thats big Oh notation. I think that the simple human emotion of gently smiling while talking to new people itself is like a crime here. If you smile , you become "despo". Oh yeah, well what are you? A fking hypocrite.

Okay I am bored. Lets talk about my day. Full of shit. Classes aint worth dime. Okay I am not the brightest of students but atleast I understand things when they are conveyed clearly , intuitively and most importantly in a friendly interactive way. The professor's might be stud n all but clearly there are only few who work for the overall development of the student. The one's who catch proxy and lament at sleeping students etc just dont get it that a classroom is for someone who wants to learn. And it isnt necessary to learn everything in life. Especially academically. Unless your whole life aim is to excel academically. Working hard is important but so is putting peace and making close friends which you wont be able to do once you have got a job or something. This para is so not for freshies aiming for BC. So lets move on.

How (What) you doing? (Joey style) This summer? Me? I tried for two summer schools - IMSc and IISc and I think I am rejected in first and still waiting for result in the second. I want to study something deeply and surely dont want to do some gen intern where my legs will be on the table and my mind somewhere way outside the room. Being a dual degree helped.

Okay, the mood for writing has depleted. And I am loggin off. This idea of writing whatever comes to my mind is pretty neat and I think I will be writing more posts based on this "pretty" soon.