Friday, June 3, 2011

Where art thou, good friend?

Damn I don't have good friends. The people I like living with - the "cool", carefree and fun loving people but who are NOT unreliable, irresponsible and idiots- are the rarest species on the face of the Universe. By experience, I can say in fair confidence that there are 4 dimensions to a person's personality: one is the ultra vague "cool"ness, the second is , another loose term here, "muggu"ness, the third is responsibility and the final is "arbit"ness, which means showing out of the ordinary kind of behaviour from the usual. The first two are obviously independent complete spaces, the third is an unprecisely defined space but shown to resemble a non-invariant linear combination of first two and the final is some arbit transformation of the first three spaces.

Enough technical jargon and definitions let's get on to the first line of this post. Well, in my life here in IIT I have lived with lots of different people. All my friends. But here is what I go through typically with different classes of people:

CLASS A or alpha or peace putters - They are the most sought out class. But to be actually here you need to leap a really arbit curve from the second and third dimension so its really painful,morally, to come to this dimension. You can't just come here for some arbitrary period of time and leave. You must carry a certain threshold measure to be actually here.More of this class can only be explained using quantum computation so I will not go into that.

CLASS B or beta or muggus or tam brahms(:p) - They derive most of their attributes from gamma class, and hence have a (hidden) muggu nature where they want to put 10 pointers in every course of every department because learning, as they are told, is their job.

CLASS C or gamma or wannabe cores - These are the responsible people who take pain and sweat to get things done. They are generally liked since they care for social welfare and other such garbage but also hoped to loosen up a little bit. This is the simplest dimension to get in and get out(ask saarang coords) but to stay in takes courage and determination.

Class D or delta or arbit - This is the class jfka7k kj984 . Studies trying to explain such behaviour have kjdf989 343d%^% because the people FASD6767&^&^. The true meaning of life is supposed to be scattered in pieces all over this dimension but requires all the pieces and then a 1024bit cracker to decipher it. Actually this is because djfakljdf989$%$ which is why ff gfg6767676234223456780 948.

So you are pissed at me because I gave you another round of heavy technical education. I am sorry but here we are finally. I have been totally pissed because my close friends are never a healthy mix of all these 4 classes. They are either heavily of A: which ends up me getting infinitely pained , or B: which makes me bored to death. Well I didnt expect to write this much( actually I was not gonna write the first 2 paras and only write this para but I guess I am in 4th dimension now) so I am not gonna explain any situations that might have motivated this blog post but I am sure feeling relieved now.

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