Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The voice.

Your heart beat goes up and you don't understand why? It drives you crazy and your heart beat goes up further. WTF! Human mind gets really psyched up if it doesn't understand whats happening to the body it's responsible for controlling. Lose control. You try to recollect what happened. It was just a voice, directed at you. For a short duration thankfully as you couldn't have held on any longer. But there wasn't anything special to the voice nor the message it conveyed; it was very normal. But then it strikes you after hours of struggle to get back to reality: the normality was what rushed the blood into your head; your mind unconsciously hoping to turn the normalcy to something special. Something more than normal; extraordinary if you will, magical if you may.

For once you try to be honest about it to yourself: you were waiting for that moment. Planning for hours on how to face those few seconds. How to face that voice. You had a good plan but alas it didn't go well. Because you forgot, and you learnt it the hard way, that that voice blows your mind away. You are so spellbound that your mind now tries to breakaway. You lose concentration, purpose and reason. Your plan is failing miserably and then you commit a stupid mistake. You try to stick to the plan. The plan, my dear readers, is a trick your mind plays on you to convince you that you are in control. Lost control.

You are someone who learns from mistakes. You don't blame your surroundings on your failure, you blame yourself. You rectify. And my dear readers , this is what I learnt: The plan is to lose. Lose yourself in that voice which you so much adored for no reason. Don't find a purpose;there isn't one. Losing is gaining control.


  1. explain? are you talking about jam sfm?

  2. yeah i guess thats it.

    noun Psychoanalysis .
    the part of the psyche, residing in the unconscious, that is the source of instinctive impulses that seek satisfaction in accordance with the pleasure principle and are modified by the ego and the superego before they are given overt expression.
